Yoni Samsara ES
Vaporización Uterina- Limpieza de Útero 100g
Esta mezcla de vaporización uterina para la limpieza de útero es 100% natural.
Una mezcla poderosa para la liberación y el equilibrio femenino. Está diseñada para aliviar los dolores menstruales que pueden afectar tu día a día. Es ideal para aquellas mujeres que estáis en la transición a la menopausia, ayudándote a manejar los cambios hormonales y físicos de esta etapa con mayor facilidad y bienestar.
Puedes complementar el uso de tus huevos yoni y vara de placer de Obsidiana con esta mezcla para profundizar tu limpieza de útero de impurezas físicas, energías pasadas que ya no deseas en tu vida, cortar los lazos energéticos no deseados y liberar aquellas cargas emocionales acumuladas en tu cuerpo.
¿Qué es la vaporización uterina?
La vaporización uterina, es un ritual ancestral, utilizado por muchas culturas alrededor del mundo para el autocuidado de la mujer.
Esta práctica es perfecta para incorporar a tu rutina de amor propio, recibiendo beneficios mentales, físicos y energéticos. Al sentarte sobre una fuente de vapor caliente infusionado con una mezcla de hierbas específicas, permites que el calor y las propiedades curativas de las hierbas penetren en tu tejido. Más allá de los beneficios físicos, la vaporización uterina es una oportunidad para conectar espiritualmente contigo misma y con tu cuerpo. Muchas mujeres, al igual que tú, han encontrado en este ritual una manera de lograr un mayor equilibrio emocional y hormonal. Al dedicar tiempo a esta práctica, no solo estás cuidando tu salud física, sino que también estás fomentando una relación más profunda y respetuosa con tu ciclo natural.
Es fundamental recordar que la vaporización uterina es una terapia alternativa y no debe reemplazar el consejo médico profesional. Antes de empezar, especialmente si tienes condiciones médicas preexistentes, te recomendamos que investigues a fondo y consultes con un profesional de la salud.
Cada mezcla se enfoca en beneficios particulares que encontrarás a continuación.
Beneficios del uso de la vaporización uterina para limpieza de útero:
- Disminución de los síntomas del síndrome premenstrual
- Minimiza los calambres menstruales
- Equilibrio emocional y hormonal
- Profunda conexión con tu cuerpo
- Consciencia cerca de tus músculos uterinas
- Mejor sueño
Qué incluye la compra de la Mezcla de hierbas para Vaporización Uterina- Limpieza de Útero en Yoni Samsara:
1 paquete de 100g/ 3.5 oz de hierbas 100% naturales. Una mezcla diseñada para aliviar dolores menstruales, apoyar en la transición a la menopausia. Limpia tu útero de todas aquellas energías del pasado cortando esos lazos energéticos no deseados.
INGREDIENTES: Lavanda, albizia, jengibre, crisantemo, caléndula, pétalo de rosa
Vaporización Uterina- Limpieza de Útero 100g
Frequently asked questions
Consult the frequently asked questions and if you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us
Who are yoni eggs and pleasure rods for?
Yoni Samsara Yoni Eggs and Pleasure Wands are a transformative practice for any woman at any time in her life who wishes to awaken your sexual potential and connect with your pleasure while improving the health of your pelvic floor.
What benefits and uses do they have?
✧ You will create a deeper connection with your body and your vagina.
✧ You will reconnect with your feminine energy in a rooted and embodied way.
✧You will experience greater ease in reaching the orgasm as well as more intense orgasms and increased pleasure and sensation.
✧ Increased natural lubrication, also known as a juicy vagina.
✧You will strengthen your pelvic floor to intensify sensation and help with problems such as incontinence.
✧ You will connect with the sacred power of your yoni as a source of spiritual connection and guidance
✧ You will free yourself from patterns of shame and guilt around your sexuality
✧ You will unlock emotions and uterine memories, thus softening physical symptoms such as menstrual cramps and hormonal imbalances of menopause as well as other ailments of the sexual organs
Will yoni eggs get stuck?
All of our yoni eggs have a small hole through which you can insert a WAX-FREE dental floss so you don't have to worry, at least the first few times.
Once you start to control the muscles in your vagina, it will come out on its own.
There's no way it'll get stuck in your yoni, so don't worry.
Why choose Yoni Samsara?
All our yoni eggs have a GIA quality certificate, the highest authority for the analysis of precious stones and diamonds in the world.
In Spain and Europe, GIA certified eggs are not easy to obtain (or almost impossible) since there are many fake eggs being sold on the internet.
That is why at Yoni Samsara we want to make sure that only the best quality goes into our yoni, yoni eggs, pleasure rods and everything!
In addition, you will not have to wait to receive the shipping a long time. If you are in the Spanish Peninsula, you will have it with you in 24-48 hours and a little more to the rest of Europe (between 5-7 days)
I don't menstruate, can I use them?
Our yoni eggs and pleasure rods are aimed at ALL WOMEN regardless of their age and time of their cycle.
Its use helps your vagina take longer to lose flexibility, strengthens the pelvic floor, improving or avoiding conditions such as incontinence, and also helps increase lubrication. In addition, they will make you feel more vital and connected to yourself.
Puedo usar mi huevo yoni si llevo un DIU?
Puedes usar perfectamente tus huevitos con el DIU
Piensa que el DIU está creado para tener relaciones con penetración sin interferir por lo que tampoco lo harán los huevitos.
Es más te recomendamos su uso para absorber sus efectos adversos, ya sea si tienes el DIU hormonal o el de cobre.
Aunque no conocemos ningún caso, hay algunas personas que recomiendan usarlo mejor sin el hilito. Escucha a tu intención y decide si prefieres usarlo con o sin hilito si tienes un DIU. -
I am pregnant, can I use yoni eggs?
It is not recommended to use yoni eggs when you are pregnant because the energy that moves in your uterus could have contraindications.
Yes, it is ideal when you are looking to get pregnant, especially some crystals such as rose quartz and nephrite jade, and it will also help you a lot in the postpartum period, after the quarantine.
I would prefer that no one find out that I have ordered my yoni eggs and/or pleasure rods. Is my privacy guaranteed?
All of our products are shipped discreetly packaged under the name of Drop of Mana LLP so no one will know what's inside the package.
I have recently had an operation. Can I use yoni eggs?
It is recommended to wait three months after any type of operation on the female sexual organs before using yoni eggs to give the body time to recover.
*DISCLAIMER: If you have any type of physical or mental condition, I recommend that you first consult your doctor or therapist if this program is for you, the work we do can sometimes be emotionally intense. -
Is the payment secure?
Payment is 100% secure. Our payment gateway, Stripe, has the highest level of PCI compliance. When a customer enters their payment information, it's sent directly to Stripe, which securely stores the data on their infrastructure, so no one except Stripe will have access to their data. The platform is certified as a level 1 PCI service provider, the strictest level of certification.
Can I place my order if I am outside of Spain?
We ship to ALL EUROPE.
If you are outside the European Union we still cannot ship our products but if you purchase our Yoni Eggs course we can help you find them wherever you are .