Yoni Eggs and Pleasure Wands for Women

Limpia tu útero de memorias y emociones estancadas, fortalece tu suelo pélvico y
libera tu potencial org4-smico

Varas de Placer

Descontractura tu y0ni, activa tus puntos de pl4cer y expande tu sensibilidad

Loto Azul

Enciende tu l1b¡do, potencia tu intuición y sumérgete en la sabiduría de los sueños lúcidos


Yoni Samsara is a female sexual wellness community founded by female empowerment coach Carol Arnelas.

Our mission is for all women to fully explore and enjoy their orgasmic potential, have a strong and healthy pelvic floor, and feel empowered in their sexuality using yoni eggs and pleasure wands.

We ship to all of Europe, discreetly.